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15. Interview.
Interview a student, teacher, parent, grandparent, relative, or community leader. Find
out details like birth date, birth place, favorite foods, pets, books, hobbies, activities, movies, school
subjects, and TV programs. Write a report.
16. Job Application.
Create a job application form. Give it to another student to complete. Then
conduct a job interview with him/her. Afterwards, switch roles.
17. Journal
. Keep a journal of activities at home and at school. Describe your feelings about your
family, friends, teachers, favorite holidays, birthdays, and special events. Relate an memorable
18. Label
. Using complete sentences, label everything in your home--furniture, kitchen appliances,
clothes--everything in sight! Model them after the sentences found in the manual (the lessons on
clothes, colors, repairs, and cleaning are especially good references).
19. Letter
. Write a letter to a friend in school. Tell the friend what is happening, how things are
going, your concerns, your likes, or dislikes. Don’t forget the salutation, address, and stamp
20. Magazine or Newspaper Article
. Read an article and summarize it. Write down your
thoughts and reactions. Read them aloud.
21. Memorization
. Memorize a paragraph on a regular basis. Use a paragraph from the book or
write your own. Share it with another student.
22. Menu
. Imagine that you are an owner of a restaurant. Put together a menu. Describe and
illustrate the items. Include the prices. Be sure to decorate the front cover and name the restaurant.
23. Movie Advertisement
. Design a movie advertisement for the newspaper complete with
illustrations and descriptions.
24. Obstacle Course
. Using chairs and other objects create an obstacle course. Blindfold a person.
Then using the directions found in Lesson 34, Transportation and Directions, guide the person
through the course ((pgs. 74-79).
25. Photo Album
. Make a photo album of your family, friends, and pets. Draw them or use real
photographs. Describe them to your partner.
26. Play, Skit
. Make up a skit or short play. It can be true-to-life, make-believe, comical, or serious.
Perform it for the class.
27. Poem
. Write a poem. Read it to the class.
28. Read, Read, Read
. Children’s literature is an especially good source for learning new, creative
vocabulary—plus it contains a lot of patterns. Have a contest to see who can read the most books.
Read them out loud. Verbalization accelerates the language learning process.
Activity Ideas