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29. Recipe
. Talk about your favorite family recipe. Describe its ingredients, how to prepare it,
and how it tastes. Bring a sample for the class to taste.
30. Reports
. Write a report on any subject—environment, culture, transportation, safety, etc.
Illustrate it.
31. Song
. Learn the lyrics of a traditional folk song or make up your own song.
32. Speed Read.
Select any vocabulary topic (pages 7-83) and see how fast you can read out
loud through the list. This solidifies the sentence patterns and improves pronunciation. Time
33. Spelling
. Learn to spell new vocabulary words. Use them in sentences. Practice reading
them out loud. Then make up a spelling quiz for the class.
34. Story Time
. Have the students form a circle. One student begins a story. As they go around
the circle, each student takes a turn adding one or more sentences to the story.
35. Talent Show
. Organize a talent show for your class. You may perform songs, readings,
typical dances, or skits. Perform it for the students and their parents.
36. TV and Radio.
Watch educational television programs. Also listen to the radio and DVDs.
37. TV Commercial
. Make a TV commercial to perform for the class. It can be serious or
comical. Use costumes and props.
38. Video
. Video tape any of the activities you have created--skits, plays, commercials,
presentations, demonstrations, etc. Show it to the class.
39. Worksheet
. Using the language patterns, create a grammar worksheet. Use multiple
choice, fill-in-the blank, true-false, etc. Exchange it with another student. When completed,
verbalize it to internalize the patterns.
40. Write a Story
. Make up a story and present it to your partner or to the class. Don’t forget
to illustrate it.
Activity Ideas