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Let’s Talk!
Instant Spanish
A new and accelerated approach for learning
to speak and retain the language.
#1. Instant Spanish covers the language (including grammar)
from beginning to advanced.
It contains over 50 conversation topics.
#2. Patterns – Learn by patterns & sequences
Learning goes 2-3 times faster than normal.
#3. Cognates—Learn using cognates--words that are similar
in both languages (family-familia).
Create your own conversations before
even beginning Lesson 1 (See pages 4-5).
Patterns & Rhythm
Anytime you repeat a language pattern it creates rhythm. Any time
rhythm is present, learning is accelerated. It’s much like learning a
song. Why is a person able to learn such large amounts of text in such
a short amount of time? It’s more than the music—
It’s the rhythm!
It’s Free!
*Comes with free Audio Website
*May Be Duplicated
*Over 300 pages
(See entire book online)