1. Advertisement
. Make an advertisement describing your favorite car, food, makeup, clothing item,
sport, or store. Illustrate it.
2. Book Report
. Read a short story and write a report on it or re-tell it.
3. Children’s Literature
. Write and illustrate a book that would be appropriate for a child. It could
be an original story, an alphabet book, or a re-telling of a story that you already know. Make a full-sized
or miniature book. Read it to a child.
4. Classified Add
. Using the Classified Ad section as a model, write up an ad for the newspaper. It
could be an “employment,” a “for sale,” or a “want to buy” ad. Sell it to a “customer.”
5. Color Contest
. Have a color contest (I am thinking of an object and it is red, etc.). See which
student or team can guess the most objects. Use complete sentences.
6. Comic Strip, Cartoon
. Make a comic strip or cartoon using a familiar character or one that you
make up. (No violence, please!) Read it to your family.
7. Conversation Contest
. Time yourself and your partner to see how long you can speak the
language. When the teacher rings the bell switch to a new topic.
8. Conversation “Cue Cards
.” Using the “Cue Cards” as prompts, carry on a conversation.
Remember to add Sentence Extenders and description to make your sentences longer and more
9. Crossword Puzzle
. Make up your own crossword puzzle. Afterward, make up a sentence using
each word. Verbalize it.
10. Design a Game
. Design a game for individuals or a group to play. It can be a board game or a card
game. You can make it up or model it after a game you already know.
11. Dictate a Story
. Dictate a simple story in Spanish to your partner. Have your partner write it
down. The story can be true, made up, or an idea from a book. Writing reinforces conversation.
12. Family Story
. Describe your family--father, mother, brother, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents,
friends, and pets. Add descriptions of your family’s home, vacations, or favorite activities.
13. Floor Plan
. Make a floor plan of your home or your school. Label the rooms, the furniture, and the
landscaping. Indicate playing fields, gym, offices, parking lot, and other details on your school plan.
Discuss your ideas with your partner.
14. Games, Contests, and Relays
. Have a contest between partners or class teams. Have the students
name animals, foods, people, countries, things in a classroom. Time them. Additional games and
activities could be Concentration, flash cards, word search, a spelling bee, or charades. Or create your
own Bingo game. Laminate the cards so you can use them over again. Verbalize the answers to win
Activity Ideas