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despertarse-ie (en la mañana)*
destruir (el edificio)*
detener-ie (al ladrón)*
devolver-ue (el dinero)*
dibujar (una flor)
descubrir (el tesoro)
divertirse-ie (en la fiesta)*
doblar (a la derecha)
dormir-ue (en la cama)*
dormirse-ue (en la noche)*
ducharse (en la mañana)
dudar (la verdad)
educar (a los estudiantes)
empezar-ie (el programa)*
empujar (la puerta)
encontrar-ue (el tesoro)*
enfermarse (de gripe)
engañar (a una persona)
enseñar (la clase)
entender-ie (la lección)*
entrar en (el cuarto)
entrevistar (a la persona)
enviar (la carta)
escojer (el plan)*
esconder (en el bosque)
escribir (una carta)
escuchar (el radio)
esperar (el tren)
estar de acuerdo con
(la idea)*
estar (triste)*
estudiar (el inglés)
exigir (obediencia)
existir (en el medio
explicar (el problema)*
explorar (la cueva)
extrañar (a un amigo)
firmar (el documento)
fracasar (sin ayuda)
fumar (sin permiso)
ganar (el dinero)
ganar (el partido)
gastar (el dinero)
gastar (el tiempo)
gobernar (el país)
golpear (a la persona)
gozar de (buen salud)*
gritar (fuertemene)
guardar (el dinero)
to wake up (in the morning)*
to destroy (the building)
to stop, arrest (the thief)
to return (the money)
to draw (a flower)*
to discover (the treasure)
to have fun (at the party)*
to turn (to the right)
to sleep (in the bed)*
to fall asleep (in the night)*
to take a shower (in the
to doubt (the truth)
to educate (the students)
to start, begin* (the program)
to push (the door)
to find (the treasure)*
to get sick (with the flu)*
to deceive (a person)
to teach (the class)*
to understand (the lesson)*
to enter (the room)
to interview (the person)
to send (the letter)*
to choose (the plan)*
to hide (in the woods)*
to write (a letter)*
to listen to (the radio)
to wait for (the train)
to agree (with the idea)
to be (sad)*
to study (English)*
to demand (obedience)
to exist (in the environment
to explain (the problem)
to explore (the cave)
to miss (a friend)
to sign (the document)
to fail (without help)
to smoke (without
to earn (the money)
to win (the game)
to spend (the money)*
to waste (time)
to govern (the country)
to hit (the person)*
to enjoy (good health)
to shout (loudly)
to keep (the money)*
guiar (a los turistas)
gustar (la comida)
hablar (por teléfono)
hacer ejercicio
(en el gimnasio)*
hacer (la tarea)*
hacer (una torta)*
imaginar (el futuro)
incluir (a la persona)*
indicar (la ruta)
invitar (a un amigo)
ir a (la casa)*
jugar-ue (al golf)*
lavar (los platos)
lavarse (los dientes)
leer (el libro)*
levantar (la mano)
levantarse (en la mañana)
llamar (por teléfono)
llegar (a las dos)*
llenar (el tanque)
llevar (la bolsa)
llevar (la blusa)
limpiar (la casa)
llorar (mucho)
llover-ue (en el campo)*
mandar (una carta)
manejar (el carro)
mantener-ie (el jardín)*
masticar (la comida)
matar (el animal)
mejorar (la situación)
mencionar (el detalle)
mirar (las estrellas)
molestar (al perro)
montar (la bicicleta)
morirse-ue (cuando sea
mostrar-ue (el boleto)*
mover-ue (el objeto)*
nadar (en la piscina)
nesecitar (dinero)
negar-ie (la verdad)*
obtener-ie (el dinero)
odiar (las culebras)
ofrecer (ayuda)*
oír (el ruido)*
oler-ue (la comida)*
olvidar (la fecha)
ordenar (el cuarto)
organizar (la actividad)*
to guide (the tourists)
to like (the food)
to talk (on the phone)
to exercise (in the gym)
to do (homework)*
to make (a cake)*
to imagine (the future)
to include (the person)
to indicate (the route)
to invite (a friend)
to go (home)*
to play (golf)
to wash (the dishes)
to brush (one's teeth)
to read (the book)*
to raise (your hand)
to get up (in the morning)*
to call (on the telephone)
to arrive (at two o'clock)
to fill (the tank)
to carry,* take* (the bag)
to wear (the blouse)*
to clean (the house)
to cry (a lot)
to rain (in the country)
to send (a letter)*
to drive (the car)*
to maintain (the garden)
to chew (the food)
to kill (the animal)
to improve (the situation)
to mention (the detail)
to look at (the stars)
to bother (the dog)
to ride (the bicycle)*
to die (when you are old)
to show (the ticket)
to move (the object)
to swim (in the pool)*
to need (money)
to deny (the truth)
to obtain (the money)
to hate (snakes)
to offer (help)
to hear (the noise)*
to smell (the food)
to forget (the date)*
to arrange, organize
(the room)
to organize (the activity)
Cuando Ud. conjuega el
verbo, llega a ser una oración
completalisto para hablar.
Diccionario de verbos