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pagar (el dinero)*
parar (por un momento)
parecer (extraño)*
participar (en el juego)
pasar (la aspiradora)
pasar (por la casa)
pedir-i (algo)*
pegar (a una persona)*
peinarse (el pelo)
pelear (con el vecino)
pensar-ie en (algo)*
perder-ie (el dinero)*
perderse-ie (en el bosque)*
permanecer (en el país)*
pertenecer (a la
pesar (el equipaje)
platicar (con mis amigos)*
planchar (la ropa)
planear (la actividad)
plantar (el árbol)
poder-ue (viajar)*
poner (el pastel en el
ponerse (la ropa)*
practicar (el inglés)*
preferir-ie (el chocolate)*
preguntar (al doctor)
preocuparse por (algo)
preparar (la comida)
presentar (el programa)
probar-ue (la comida)*
probarse-ue (la ropa)*
prometer (pagar la cuenta)
proteger (al niño)*
quedarse (en el hotel)
quejarse (de la comida)
quemar (la comida)
querer-ie (a tu familia)*
querer-ie (comer)*
quitar (los platos sucios)
quitarse (la ropa)
rechazar (la solicitud)*
recibir (la carta)
reciclar (el plástico)
reconocer (a la persona)*
recordar-ue (la historia)*
regresar (a la casa)
reírse de (la broma)*
robar (las joyas)
repetir-i (el cuento)*
to pay (the money)*
to stop (for a moment)
to seem (strange)
to participate (in the game)
to vacuum
to pass (by the house)
to ask for (something)
to hit (a person)*
to comb (one's hair)
to fight (with the neighbor)*
to think (about somthing)*
to lose (the money)*
to get lost (in the woods)*
to remain, stay (in the
to belong (to the
to weigh (the luggage)
to chat (with my friends)*
to iron (the clothes)
to plan (the activity)
to plant (the tree)
to be able (to travel)*
to put (the cake in the
to put on (the clothes)*
to practice (English)
to prefer (chocolate)
to ask (the doctor)
to worry (about something)
to prepare (the food)
to present (the program)
to taste (the food)
to try on (clothes)*
to promise (to pay the bill)
to protect (the child)
to stay (in the hotel)
to complain (about the food)
to burn (the food)*
to love (your family)
to want (to eat)
to take away (the dirty plates)*
to take off (the clothes)*
to reject (the request)
to receive (the letter)
to recycle (the plastic)
to recognize (the person)
to remember (the history)
to return (to the house)
to laugh (at the joke)
to rob (the jewels)
to repeat (the story)
resolver-ue (el problema)*
respirar (el aire)
resolver-ue (el problema) *
responder (a la pregunta)
reunirse (con la familia)
romper (el juguete)
saber (un hecho)*
sacar (fotos)*
sacar (la basura)*
salir de (la casa)*
saltar (en la cama)
saludar (a sus amigos)
secar (los platos)
seguir-i (las direcciones)*
sentarse-ie (en el sofá)*
sentirse-ie (mal)*
ser (alto)*
servir-ie (a la familia)*
saltar (en el trampolín)
sonreír (a la cámara)
sorprender (a la persona)
subirse (al autobús)
sufrir (la injusticia)
tener-ie (dinero)*
tener-ie ganas de (comer)*
tener-ie que (trabajar)*
tener-ie razón*
terminar (el examen)
tirar (la pelota)
tocar (el animal)*
tocar (el piano)*
tomar (el autobús)
tomar, sacar* (una foto)
tomar, beber (una soda)
trabajar (en la casa)
traducir (el documento)*
traer (el menú)*
tratar de (aprender)
usar (la idea)
usar (la chaqueta)
vender (el carro)
venir-ie (a la fiesta)*
ver (la película)*
vestirse-i (en la mañana)*
viajar (a México)
visitar (a la familia)
vivir (en la casa)
volar-ue (en el avión)*
volver-ue (a la casa)*
votar (en la elección)
to resolve (the problem)
to breathe (the air)
to resolve (the problem
to respond (to the question)
to get together (with the
to break (the toy)*
to know (a fact)*
to take (pictures)*
to take out (the garbage)*
to leave (the house)*
to jump (on the bed)
to greet (your friends)
to dry (the dishes)*
to follow (the directions)
to sit down (on the sofa)*
to feel (bad/sick)*
to be (tall)*
to serve (the family)
to jump (on the trampoline)
to smile (at the camera)
to surprise (the person)
to get on (the bus)*
to suffer (the injustice)
to have (money)*
to have a desire (to eat)*
to have to (work)*
to be right*
to finish (the test)
to throw (the ball)*
to touch (the animal)
to play (the piano)
to take (the bus)*
to take (a picture)*
to drink (a soda)*
to work (at home)
to translate (the document)
to bring (the menu)*
to try (to learn)*
to use (the idea)
to wear (the jacket)*
to sell (the car)*
to come (to the party)*
to see (the film)*
to get dressed (in the
to travel (to Mexico)
to visit (the family)
to live (in the house)
to fly (in the airplane)*
to return (to the house)
to vote (in the election)
Diccionario de verbos