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abrir (la puerta)
aburrirse (en la clase)
acabar de (hacer algo)
acampar (en las montañas)
aceptar (cheques de viajero)
acompañar (a mi amigo)
aconsejar (a mi amigo)
acordarse-ue de (la fecha)*
acostarse-ue (a las diez)*
afeitarse (en la mañana)
aguantar (el ruido)
ahorrar (el dinero)
alquilar (el apartamento)
amar (a su esposa)
apagar (la luz)*
aparecer (en la obra)*
apoyar (al equipo)
aprender (el español)
aprovechar de
(la oportunidad)
arreglar (el carro)
arreglar (el cuarto)
asistir a (la reunión)
asustarse (en la noche)
aumentar (de peso)
averiguar (acerca del
ayudar (a una persona)
bailar (el tango)
bajar (de peso)
bajar (las escaleras)
bajar (del autobús)
bañarse (todos los días)
beber (la soda)
besar (a la muchacha)
borrar (la línea)
botar (los papeles)
bucear (en el océano)
buscar (algo)*
caerse (bajando las
cambiar (el dinero)
caminar (por la calle)
cantar (una canción)
casarse con (su prometido)
cenar (en el restaurante)
cerrar-ie (la puerta)*
chocar (con el carro)*
to open (the door)
to get bored (in the class)*
to stop,* finish (doing
to camp (in the mountains)
to accept (traveler’s checks)
to accompany (my friend)
to advise (my friend)
to remember (the date)
to go to bed (at 10 o'clock)*
to shave (in the morning)
to bear*/stand* (the noise)
to save (the money)
to rent (the apartment)
to eat lunch*
to love (your wife)
to turn (off the light)
to appear (in the play)
to support (the team)
to learn (Spanish)
to take advantage of
(the opportunity)*
to fix (the car)
to straighten up (the room)
to attend (the meeting)
to get scared (in the night)*
to gain (weight)
to find out (about the
to help (a person)
to dance (the tango)
to lose (weight) *
to go down (the stairs)*
to get off (the bus)*
to take a bath (everyday)*
to drink (the soda)*
to kiss (the girl)
to erase (the line)
to throw out (the papers)*
to scuba dive (in the ocean)
to look for (something)
to fall down (the stairs)*
to change (the money)
to walk (along the street)
to sing (a song)*
to get married (to your
to have dinner (in the
to close (the door)
to crash, collide (with a car)
cobrar (por hora)
cocinar (las verduras)
coleccionar (estampillas)
colgar-ue (la ropa)*
comenzar-ie (el programa)*
comer (la fruta)
compartir (las noticias)
comprar (muchas cosas)
comprender (el problema)
conducir (el carro)*
conjugar-ue (el verbo)*
conocer (a una persona)*
construir (la casa)*
contaminar (la comida)
contar-ue (el dinero)*
contar-ue (un chiste)*
contestar (la pregunta)
convencer (al juez)*
copiar (el poema)
continuar (la conversación)
corregir (los errores)*
correr (rápidamente)
cortar (el césped)
creer (la verdad)*
cruzar (la calle)*
cubrir (la mesa)
cuidar (a tu hermano)
cultivar (las plantas)
cumplir (una promesa)
dar (un paseo)*
dar (un regalo)*
decidir (que hacer)
decir-i (la verdad)*
decir-i (algo)*
decorar (para la fiesta)
dedicar (el monumento)*
defender (su país)
dejar (un recado)
dejar de (fumar)
desaparecer (de la vista)*
desarrollar (industrias
descansar (un poco)
describir (la situación)
descubrir (el tesoro)
desear (entender el
desmayarse (al oír las
despedirse-i (de la familia)*
to charge (by the hour)
to cook (the vegetables)
to collect (stamps)
to hang (the clothes)*
to begin (the program)*
to eat (the fruit)*
to share (the news)
to buy (many things)*
to comprehend (the problem)
to drive (the car)*
to conjugate (the verb)
to know (a person)*
to build (the house)*
to contaminate (the food)
to count (the money)
to tell (a joke)*
to answer (the question)
to convince (the judge)
to copy (the poem)*
to continue (the conversation)
to correct (the errors)
to run (rapidly)*
to cut (the grass),*
to mow (the lawn)
to believe (the truth)
to cross (the street)
to cover (the table)
to take care of (your brother)*
to cultivate (the plants)
to keep (a promise)*
to take (a walk)*
to give (a gift)*
to decide (what to do)
to tell (the truth)*
to say (something)*
to decorate (for the party)
to dedicate (the monument)
to defend (your country)
to leave (a message)*
to stop (smoking)
to disappear (from sight)
to develop (new industries)
to eat breakfast*
to rest (a little)
to describe (the situation)
to discover (the treasure)
to desire, wish (to understand
the problem)
to faint (upon hearing the
to say goodbye (to the family)*
Diccionario de verbos
*Un asterísco (*) indica un
verbo irregular en el tenso
presente o pretérito.